カタログの記載ミスとして報告せず 。誤報、商品の情報ミスと言う。
知識のないものはむしられる。 めんどくさいことは避けたい 。この国の消費者の心理を利用する。
このクレームの肝は店が間違った記述を認めているにも関わらず、ネットに告知せず、 訂正しないで販売を継続して、ラザダが容認しているということです 。
The dark side of the online shopping company Lazada Thailand
Hint: Don't report it as a catalogue mistake. You can decipher it by reading the apology chat on December 17th. The store says bargaining is a waste of time. Those who don't have knowledge will be ripped off. I want to avoid trouble. I'll use it.
The crux of this complaint is that even though the store has admitted to making inaccurate statements, they have not posted any notices online, have not made any corrections, and have continued to sell the products, which Lazada has tolerated.
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