🆘カタログと違う商品が届きました。誤配送です。これがクレ-ムの原因です。第2回小委員会の回答です 。 自分で種をまき、刈って、生産しましたと言っているのと同じです。自門自答自決。
2021年11月11日に、タイのECサイトLazadaでXiaomi Redmi 10を購入しました。しかし、商品が届いたところ、カタログに記載されていたNFC機能が搭載されていませんでした。
そこで、Xiaomi TH-storeに問い合わせたところ、店は「この商品は返品不可です。NFCはサポートされていません。商品は本物です。」と返品の許可を出しませんでした。
🆘I received a product different from the one in the catalog. Wrong delivery. This is the cause of the complaint. This is the answer from the second subcommittee. It is the same as saying that you sowed, reaped, and produced your own seeds. Self-determination.
The cause of the complaint was incorrect delivery due to a different product from the catalog.
On November 11, 2021, I purchased Xiaomi Redmi 10 from the Thai e-commerce site Lazada. However, when the product arrived, it did not have the NFC function listed in the catalog.
So, when I contacted Xiaomi TH-store, the store did not allow me to return the product, saying, "This product cannot be returned. NFC is not supported. The product is genuine."
However, Lazada Help Cleo gave permission for the return, saying, ``We have sent the wrong item, so we will accept the return.''
However, on November 24th, they refused to accept the return because it did not comply with Lazada policy, and the product is currently in my hands.
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