翌日から Mi のアバターに変身。
3月19日からアバターをエムアイに変え Follow the store と書いたスタンプで回答するがこの意味が分かりません。 Xiaomi からも TH ストアからも説明を求めていますが未だ連絡なし。無視して沈黙しています。Xiaomi のコンプライアンスはどうなっているんでしょうか。
Great find🎴
On March 18, 2022, the store said they would go to your apartment tomorrow.
When I was looking through the chat, I happened to find a 10-day unauthorized deletion.
I told him this, but he didn't answer.
From the next day, she transforms into Mi's avatar.
From March 19th, I will change my avatar to Mi and reply with a stamp that says " Follow the store", but I do not understand the meaning. I've asked for an explanation from both Xiaomi and the TH store, but I haven't heard back yet. Ignore and keep silent. What is Xiaomi's compliance status?
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